January 2015 Tour in Chile

Between the 24th and the 31st of January, representatives from Sustainable Sweden and SEKOM went to Chile. The Tour specifically visited the Biobío Region, the University of Concepción, and the Eco-region of Arauco. For a detailed summary of our journey in Chile,...

Next Lectures in Ecomuna – March 2014

Dear readers, Torbjörn Lahti -Sustainable Sweden chairman- and other guests will give you 5 lectures through Ecomuna in March. The schedule is flexible, but the idea is to have a lecture twice a week at different times to make it available for people around the world....

First Ecomuna Webinar in 2014

On the 28th of January, Sustainable Sweden and Sekom have organized a webinar named « Organic Waste Powers City Transporation » through the Ecomuna hub. The webinar was about 1,5 hours and the guests were Lars Thunberg (president of Sekom and vice mayor of Helsingborg...