#2 What is sustainable Sweden

The Sustainable Sweden Association is a non-government organization working in economic, ecological and social sustainable development. To this extent, we carry projects that contribute to spread technics, knowledge, and competencies so that municipalities become autonomous and environmentally-acting. Our network of municipalities bind actors at the local level, which creates a national community, which cooperates with other municipalities at the international level.


To find out more about what we do during our Tours, please visit this page.
To see an example of one of our latest tours in Sweden, read the description of the June 2016 Tour.

The entrepreneurs behind the Sustainable Sweden Association have decades of experience in the field of sustainable development, especially in building systems combining the different aspects of sustainable development and making the process itself sustainable. The knowledge and experience we have, now give us a platform to exchange these experiences with the rest of the world. Everything in the name of our overall goal – a sustainable earth.

We welcome organizations to join, participate and start projects together with us. We develop projects in order to find out how collaboration between business, government, science, agriculture, education, environmental organizations and municipalities can result in healthier communities and successful business.