The Webinars

Our webinars offer a chance for:

– Learning about the ecomunicipality concept, its history, and the values ​​behind it
– Hearing of case examples from ecomunicipalities
– Contact with local, regional, national and international colleagues in a learning community
– Insight and inspiration into how to start up and drive ecomunicipality processes

Upcoming webinars, Dates TBA:

Intro to Ecomunicipalities I: The model & history

In this webinar, we share the basic framework of the ecomunicipality approach that is based both in
nature-based physical science and a holistic view of the social sustainability perspective. Participants will learn about the story of how the ecomunicipalities evolved in Sweden, from the first project in the north in the early 1980’s to today’s national network of more than 100 municipalities.. We will also share about how the model supports regenerative approaches to addressing climate change. The webinar is hosted by the first ecomunicipality in the world -Övertorneå- in the far north of Sweden, and serves as a
foundation for Intro to Ecomunicipalities II: The systems approach.

Intro to Ecomunicipalities II: The systems approach

This follow-up to the Intro I webinar offers a next level look into the systems framework behind
the ecomunicipalities model. We’ll also introduce a key tool, called “Backcasting,” for moving an
ecomunicipality project forward and keeping the momentum going over time. Participants will
also gain a first-hand introduction to Karlskrona, in the South of Sweden, as the host
ecomunicipality for this session, and home to Sekom – the national network of Swedish